BJJ Classes Portland : Tips for Beginners

BJJ Classes Portland



BJJ Classes Portland: When you first begin training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ), the amount of information you are expected to know might feel overwhelming. Furthermore, you must learn more than just technique; the gym culture, class structure, and social interactions all have a steep learning curve.

Not everything is explained, and you may cross a line you were not aware of. Those lessons learned by trial and error can be excruciating, but hopefully this guide will educate you and save you the agony of learning the hard way.

#1. BJJ Classes Portland : Train multiple times per week

BJJ Classes Portland: In the end, you should train as much as you can into your schedule. If you can only train once a week and your schedule doesn’t allow for more, go ahead and do that.  However, making consistent growth will be tough unless you train at least twice or three times every week.

Still, there are alternative options: stay after class for extra rolls, practice solo drills at home, go to open mat sessions, or plan with teammates to roll even when the gym is closed.

#2. Keep your fingernails and toenails short

By having long nails, you risk cutting your training partners during drilling or sparring. You might think this is an exaggeration, but you’d be amazed how much damage a single fingernail or toenail can cause. Many people can attest to this through their scars.

Also, because there is a lot of bacteria under the nails, these cuts are susceptible to infection. To avoid slicing your classmates, trim your nails before class. It only takes a few minutes and is a good habit to develop.

#3. Always wear a uniform that’s clean (Gi or No Gi)

It cannot be overstated how important it is to always wear a clean Gi or No Gi uniform. You should wash your workout clothes, even if you don’t sweat throughout class. Both the mat and the human body are covered in bacteria.

Even if you aren’t sweating, your uniform will gather up bacteria as you roll around on it. If you don’t wash your uniform, it will very likely stink. Even if it doesn’t, you will greatly increase your risk of contracting mat funk and infecting yourself and your colleagues by not washing it.

#4. Don’t underestimate the importance of drilling

You’re not alone in thinking that drilling isn’t as fun as sparring. You may find the continual drilling tedious, uninteresting, and repetitive, especially when you initially start training. Sparring, on the other hand, is often fast and thrilling, and you may wish you could spend more time sparring and less time drilling.

Regardless of how you feel, remember that drilling is critical to your long-term development as a Jiu Jitsu practitioner. Don’t just drill the move of the day and then forget about it; try sparring with it. You may eventually decide that this move isn’t for you, but before you do, make sure you can execute it while sparring.

#5. Ask questions, but don’t think about it too hard

It’s fine to ask questions, and most BJJ gyms will likely encourage critical thinking. Nonetheless, don’t let too many questions get in the way of drilling and mastering the technique. You have to stop talking about it and simply drill it at some point.

Concentrate on getting in as many repetitions as possible while maintaining proper technique. Don’t go down the rabbit hole of what-if possibilities until you’ve mastered the fundamentals. Still, make sure you ask questions about specific issues as they arise while practicing the technique.

#6. Accept that you won’t understand everything right away

When learning a new technique, you’ll most likely be taught in a vacuum, with no understanding of how you got there (or its application). It’s critical to understand that you won’t grasp everything in these situations, and there just isn’t enough time to have everything explained to you during class.

You’ll pick up on the plethora of situational and contextual elements that come with each technique as you improve. Until then, concentrate on learning as many new skills as possible and refining the ones you already know.

#7. Spar after class, if you have time

You need to put in time on the mats, especially if you’re new and still learning. Drill your technique and roll whenever you can. Stick around after class if you have the energy and the time.

Even if it’s just a handful of extra five-minute rolls, the additional time on the mat can add up. If you can stay an extra hour, it could be the equivalent of taking an additional class.

#8. Don’t wait to tap

Hopefully, each gym will properly explain this to each newcomer, but make sure you don’t wait too long before tapping to a submission. Don’ t until you hear a pop or  until you’re in pain to act. When a submission is applied, tap.

You’ll learn how to be safe and escape submissions as you develop in Jiu Jitsu. When you’re initially starting out, however, you don’t have to battle every submit attempt to the end. The purpose is to gain expertise. Leave your pride at home and tap early.

#9. While sparring, don’t flail around

Spazzy white belts are a bit of a meme in BJJ culture.  If this comes as a surprise to you, I have some news for you: you are the spazzy white belt. It’s understandable; you don’t yet have total control over your body.

Don’t worry; you’ll get it eventually, and your more experienced training partners will (sometimes resentfully) endure elbows and knees to the face while you catch up. Meanwhile, try not to flip out too wildly.

#10. With lower belts: try out new techniques

BJJ Classes Portland : You may not get the chance to roll with a less-experienced grappler for a while as a beginning BJJ practitioner. However, when compared to someone who is fresh off the street, your single stripe will eventually become noticeable.

Don’t just destroy those who are less skilled than you when the time comes. Sure, you’ll like crushing newcomers now and again, but don’t allow that be the only way you roll with them. Use this time to strengthen weak areas of your game or experiment with new techniques.

#11. With upper belts: refine good techniques

Remember how I said in #10 to not just destroy lower belts? Do the opposite with upper belts. Now is the time to try to smash your opponent. Go all out.

The more experienced the opponent, the greater they should be at keeping you safe, defending your actions, and delivering their own attacks. This is the ideal time to improve your skills by learning what’s effective and what isn’t.

#12. After class, shower as soon as possible

Ending up with a ringworm infection, athlete’s foot, or another sort of infection is a pain. Keep yourself and your uniform clean to help combat the spread of infectious mat funk.

Not every gym will offer on-site showers, and even if one is available, not everyone will be able to use it. Just remember to shower after class, whether at the gym or at home.

#13. Take notes after class

If you’re like me, you constantly forget things. As it turns out, you’ll have to remember techniques in order to use them. This can make acquiring new skills challenging. Taking notes is one method that can be really beneficial.

Another way to help yourself remember new information is to talk about it, even if it’s only to yourself. Pretend you’re teaching what you just learned to someone who doesn’t train Jiu Jitsu on your way home after class. It will require you to break down the knowledge into manageable pieces. Also, try to visualize the technique as you’re talking about it.

#14. Knowing your limits is more important than being the best

Even the best grapplers will age and their bodies will deteriorate. Recognize that being tapped out does not undermine what you already know. Similarly, tapping someone out will not confirm what you already know. Staying healthy, learning new things, and keeping an open mind will help you improve.

You should obviously train hard, strive to tap out your opponents, and keep improving. But don’t put yourself in danger just to make a point. Does it prove that you’re better than them if you don’t tap to an armlock from a lower belt? Maybe. But did you actually win if you had to take six months off from training to recover?

#15. Be patient

You may feel as if you haven’t made much progress despite months of training. Don’t worry; even if you can’t notice it now, you’re making progress. It can take years to become even somewhat competent in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, depending on how regularly you train. Don’t be put off by the journey; enjoy it.

A promotion is merely a new starting point, not the destination. In truth, there is no ultimate goal in BJJ; it is a lifelong pursuit. The most essential thing you can do to keep improving is to keep showing up. Train as much as you can, leave your pride at the door, and take pleasure in the process.

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