Kids Martial Arts Classes In Portland Can Save Your SANITY This Summer!
Summer Martial Arts Classes for Kids
Ahhh, Summer. That wonderful time of year where we placidly sip our favorite beverage and relax in the warm, golden sunshine as the day passes easily before us. Except Johnny or Susie will not stop making messes, being demanding, or being way too energetic! When does the first day of school begin again?
Mindful Parenting
Hi, My name is Aaron Harvey, and I know firsthand that the Kids Martial Arts Classes Portland at Mata Leao can seriously reduce the stress that comes from raising a child. Summers can be harder for parents as they adjust to having Timmy or Megan at home a lot more. After working firsthand with kids suffering from ADHD in the neuroscience laboratory at UNCW with a grant from the NIH, I feel that I have a very special perspective on how meditation in the form of martial arts can help to regulate your child’s behaviors to be more peaceful on the mats, but at your house as well!
Gi Classes Challenge Kids
We all know that kids have a lot more energy than adults. Look at them go! Channeling that energy so that they develop into healthier adults is a great satisfaction as a parent. As the adage goes, “It Takes A Village” and luckily for you, there are a lot of great afterschool opportunities for kids in Portland. Selecting the right activity can make a world of difference for your child and also your wallet! At Mata Leao, we understand that kids want to have fun, but also maybe underneath that they want to grow and be challenged. Why not both?
Martial arts classes for kids- under the guidance and supervision of qualified professionals are beneficial for healthy brain development and also have behavioral positive implications as well. Other sports activities arguably do not have the same types of benefits that say our Kids Jiu Jitsu classes in SE Portland have. How’s that?
Martial Arts- especially ours at Mata Leao- tailor the activities specific to your child’s needs as opposed to focusing on one athletic superstar amongst the bunch that gets all the attention. Individual attention and growth is sort of a specialty at Mata Leao, and we make certain that praise and attention is given to all students here!
Our Kids Martial Arts Classes Portland Instills Confidence.
Every single child that walks through the doors at Mata Leao are important and are also capable of greatness. We believe that by investing time and energy into the instruction of martial arts, noticeable growth in maturity and also physical health is not only possible, but something to be expected. In this belief, we are also adamant in our commitment of inclusiveness and acceptance so that no child feels left out. As new kids join the classes, everyone is instantly accepted no matter their school affiliation or social “cliques”: ostracizing peers is not a part of the curriculum at Mata Leao! That all should be treated with respect and humility is an ethos that extends also extends into our adult classes as well, no matter the skill level. This inclusivity builds confidence, especially if your child is being picked on and bullied in school. Social confidence and also learning to better be social is an added bonus for kids enrolled here at Mata Leao. Coaches are aware that kids might be entering through the doors with maybe no experience with martial arts or even bad experiences getting picked on. None of that is lost on us at Mata Leao. We all know that growing up can be tough, and we want to see your kids grow up to not be fearful, but to smile and also be healthy.
One of the key aspects of our Martial Arts curriculum are the elemental tools of de-escalation. As parents, we cannot prevent kids from getting bullied, but we can provide them with the guidance necessary to navigate through difficult situations
without getting in trouble at school. Strong body language and also defensive posturing is often enough to repel an assailant on the schoolyard playground before help can arrive, and we teach these valuable skills at Mata Leao. The Martial Arts are a valuable outlet for the natural proclivities that children have towards play activities, and the goal that we have is to instill in our students the social acumen and physical repetoire to stop bullying before it starts. These are basic skills that our kids learn in our Kids Martial Arts Classes Portland.
For more information on our Kids Program, visit us at Mataleaocs.com
Kids Martial Arts
Kids Martial Arts
Kids Martial Arts
Kids Martial Arts
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