February 5, 2018
Martial Arts Classes Portland: 2020 is calling you to Greatness!
Martial Arts Classes Portland: It’s inevitable. Come the first of the year, we swear off a bad diet, plan to improve our cardio, our finances, or pledge to make a new habit or learn a new skill. While it’s awesome to have an intention for changing for the better, what ends up really happening come February?
Hmm, by February, most of us collapse into a plate of Nachos, a double Gin, and a mattress after our soul sucking 9-5. If this sounds familiar, this blog post is for you.
I see it time and time with people, not only in my office where I sign people up but in other areas of life: people generally mean well, but have a hard time following through on goals. Part of the problem is that people have a hard time defining on WHAT THEY ACTUALLY WANT. Even if they DO know what they want, their goal is an amorphous mess, a hazy dream that has neither an actionable plan or a way to track their progress. The latter two are things that experts agree predict success but also life satisfaction when it comes to goal setting.
Without a game plan and a trackable ‘map’ of sorts, people lose hope. They give up, forget where they are in their journey. They find themselves listening to Eliott Smith, pouting into a microbrew, smoking American Spirits and wistfully gazing into the sunset.
“Jiu Jitsu? Yeah, I used to train. But those dreams of being a martial artist died a long time ago.”
An easy way to do this is to start small. Reaching your goals or dreams in life rarely involve huge leaps.
Martial Arts like Jiu Jitsu, Kickboxing, or Strength and Conditioning are a great way to lose weight, start new habits, meet new people, and learn new skills. The first step is to call us and set an appointment to come check out our school. We can arrange a free trial for 30 days and you can rock out for a month, no obligation.
The next step in accomplishing your goal would be to figure out what your schedule is in relation to the gym classes and come to class on the days that work for you, REGULARLY.
A long term goal is up to you. It’s not going to happen overnight. Time is going to go by either way. Might as well spend your life doing something that makes you feel amazing, gives you a sense of accomplishment, connects you to community, and helps you align with your ideal self.
The first step is to call us at (503) 208-3160.
martial arts classes Portland
martial arts classes Portland
martial arts classes Portland
martial arts classes Portland
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