Portland Jiu Jitsu: Jiu Jitsu Saves Lives
Imagine going into a surgery and waking up and not being able to feel your legs. At first you think that it’s the anesthesia. But it never goes away and you can never move your legs again. How would you go on? How would you continue to train Jiu Jitsu? How would you still remain optimistic or fulfill your duties as a parent? This story is about a man that loses his ability to move his legs after he undergoes a surgery. The redeeming parable is about the love and the selfless instinct that that this man has to protect his daughter and how Jiu Jitsu saves lives.
“I can’t argue with try”
It’s a story about optimism in the face of incredible loss. Staring down the face of paralysis, divorce, depression and helplessness: a man decides to fight and succeeds in getting his Blue Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He even went to a competition and considers this a highlight of his life.
“Even when it doesn’t go my way, even on the worst days when I’m getting smashed, it takes my mind off of all this [pain]”
One of the best aspects of this story is the willingness of this man to help others and also how Jiu Jitsu opens his ideas of possibility and unlocking potential. He now looks at his loss of the use of his limbs as a “blessing” and that it now gives him “super-powers”. He attributes the relationship with his daughter as his main inspiration for training Jiu Jitsu.
What is your excuse? Start your 30 day free trial with Mata Leao! Jiu Jitsu Saves Lives!
Portland Jiu Jitsu
Portland Jiu Jitsu
Portland Jiu Jitsu
Portland Jiu Jitsu
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