UFC Training in Portland OR

UFC Training in Portland OR

UFC Training in Portland OR : Cauliflower Ears and More!


UFC Training in Portland OR : We’re Going In On Cauliflower Ear My Dudes…

I think judging by the looks of some of these dudes that I see around here, it’s important for us to talk as adults about CAULIFLOWER EAR.

Bruh, I think people are more afraid of needles then they are of getting smashed on and getting their ears super swollen. Let’s address that and think long term.

First off, if you have the genetic propensity for cauliflower ear, it will be apparent. Some people are lucky and it just won’t happen to them. It’s because of the vascularity and ratio of cartilage in your actual ears. That’s determined genetically. If you do have the genetic propensity for cauliflower ear, it will be super obvious. After rolling, your ears will be hot, red, and swollen. This is the perfect time for you to drain them. Please refer to the video below that will show you how to drain your ears.


There is a time limit one how long you can wait before you won’t be able to drain your ears after you roll. Drain it as soon as you can or the damage will be worse and irreversible.

It’s important to have a good buddy that you trust that is not squeamish that will help you perform this procedure. It’s kind of a tricky spot to drain, so if you have a friend to help (bonus points if they are/were a phlebotomist) then that is ideal.

There are really some benefits to the cauliflower ear. If you lost the genetic dice roll and you are going to still keep rolling, the best you can do is manage the damage. It looks badass to have  cauliflower ear. It doesn’t look good to have a scorched biscuit that is barely recognizable as an ear. So, drain with confidence. You’ll thank me later.





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